The multilingual iTRAVL Deluxe NTL-9C makes visiting or relocating to foreign destinations truly enjoyable. Travel once with iTRAVL and you'll never leave home without it!
Language Learning
iTRAVL Deluxe contains everything you need to start speaking another language fluently. The Language Teacher system takes you from beginner to advanced speaker in no time at all and makes speaking another language easier than ever before. It's like having your own personal tutor!
Instant Help
iTRAVL Deluxe provides real help when you are on vacation or moving to a new country. Detailed maps with destination advice and addresses help you find your way around in no time at all. The included iHELP resource gives you immediate access to a list of emergency or frequently used phrases. All you do is say a phrase and iTRAVL speaks the translation back instantly.
Full-text Translation
Get fast translations of longer texts. Now you can translate just about anything and get a readable, understandable translation every time. iTRAVL Deluxe provides accurate 2-way Full-text Machine Translation between English and Chinese, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish!
Translate Everywhere
The included Ectaco/C-Pen handheld scanner and iTRAVL desktop Cradle lets you grab text from wherever you find it - in a newspaper, a doctor's prescription or even from a poster on the wall. Simply scan it, upload it and get an instant translation into your chosen language! You can even use the scanner ti upload and translate on your home PC with the help of the included mini-USB to USB adapter and ECTACO software (sold separately).
Speech-to-Speech Translation
Speak into the iTRAVL Deluxe and have your phrases translated and spoken aloud instantly using a unique combination of Speech Recognition, real human voice narration and speech synthesis. The world's most advanced Speech Recognition System understands and speaks any of the tens of thousands of pre-programmed words and phrases contained in iTRAVL.
Fully Upgradeable
iTRAVL Deluxe offers an almost unlimited choice of language combinations available on SD cards (purchased separately). Each card contains the entire linguistic content for each language combination for immediate updates. Now extend the usability of your device simply by adding a new SD card!
The English-Spanish iTRAVL includes:
- 1,010,000 word dictionary for both English and Spanish
- Language Teacher - the best language learning resource
- U-Learn hands and eyes free language learning program
- Audio Travel PhraseBook with speech recognition and real human pronunciation translates and speaks 14,000 travel-related words and phrases in both languages using these topics: Basics, Traveling, Hotel, Local Transport, Sightseeing, Bank, Communication means, In the restaurant, Food/Drinks, Shopping, Repairs/Laundry, Sport/Leisure, Health/Drugstore, Beauty Care, and Calling for Police
- iHELP pronounces Emergency or frequently used phrases instantly
- Talking 39 Language Picture Dictionary with pronunciation for all words
- Consistent Full-text Machine Translation
- Large English explanatory dictionary
- Bilingual interface
- Hi-resolution touch-screen and hands-free speech navigation functionality with icons and messages
- Built-in Video Player supports .avi, .wma, .wav, .ogg, .jpg and .png audio, video, and image formats
- jetBook e-book reader with multiple file format support
- Hangman, linguistic crosswords, notepad, calculator, metric and size converter, and word time clock utilities.
The ECTACO iTRAVL Deluxe package includes the iTRAVL handheld, the ECTACO/C-Pen Scanner, an SD card which contains the dedicated linguistic content of the device plus everything you need to get started including a rechargeable battery, a cradle for PC connection and charging, headphones and the Ectaco/C-Pen connection.
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