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LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary German <-> Czech for Palm OS
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary German <-> Czech for Palm OS

Version: 4.2.32
Vocabulary size: about 400,000 (words/phrases)
Language pairs: Czech <-> German, German <-> Czech
Pronunciation: German

Download for Free

Price: £25.95

Perfect for language studies!
Translates in an instant and speaks the translation!
Buy directly from the developer and save!

The Talking Dictionary German <-> Czech for Palm OS is a unique language application that provides bi-directional word translation and advanced synthesis of German speech. Easy to install and use, the ability to pronounce German words is the distinguishing feature of this state-of-the-art software translator. And it does so using the most advanced BST Text-to-Speech synthesis available anywhere! Now you never need to check transcriptions or struggle with pronunciation again: simply select a word and with one click have the dictionary pronounce it for you!

Features include a user-friendly keyboard that facilitates easier typing, and high-resolution support for superior readability. Enhanced support for Tungsten T5 and Treo 600/650 devices, superior design and updated interfaces all add up to a language experience like no other.

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary German <-> Czech for Palm OS:

General features:

  • Pronunciation of all listed German words based on the latest BST Text-to-Speech technology
  • Superior overall design of the application
  • Tungsten T5 and Treo 600/650 support
  • Screen rotation support
  • High-resolution support
  • Quick back translation for correct understanding
  • Quick search function: as you start typing, entries begin appearing
  • Switching between languages is easy: simply tap the pop-up trigger in the upper right corner and the direction of translation will change
  • MorphoFinder™ function helps to find source words (headwords) for past participles, gerunds, and plural forms
  • Superior Spell-check function interface for both languages
  • Direction of translation is kept the same when you close and reopen the dictionary
  • Improved documentation
  • Windows Installation Wizard has been significantly modified and improved

SD/MMC standard support

  • Store applications and/or databases on an extension card (SD/MMC)
  • Run the application from the main memory or the extension card regardless of where the database is located

System requirements:

Palm OS 4.x or 5.x
RAM : 1.5 MB
To make sure this software application will properly function on your device, please download and test the trial version.

Discover what other devices and software applications are available for the languages you've selected.

Buy more - pay less

You can also purchase our software collections which have certain capabilities of the LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary German <-> Czech for Palm OS. These packages incorporate the best applications which have been brought together for you to get the terrific savings, as these programs would cost substantially more if purchased separately.

Czech handheld dictionaries
Czech translation software

German handheld dictionaries
German translation software

Compatible devices

Acer c510, Acer n20/n20w, Acer n311, Acer s10, Acer s50/s60, Garmin iQue 3200, Garmin iQue 3600, GSL Xplore G18, GSL Xplore G88, HandEra 330, HandEra TRGpro, Handspring Treo 180, Handspring Treo 270, Handspring Treo 300, Handspring Treo 90, Handspring Visor, Handspring Visor, Handspring Visor Deluxe, Handspring Visor Edge, Handspring Visor Prism, Handspring Visor Pro, IBM Workpad, IBM Workpad c3, IBM Workpad c500, IBM Workpad c505, Kyocera 7135, Kyocera QCP 6035, Kyocera Qool QDA-700, Samsung sgh-i530, Samsung SGH-i710, Samsung SGH-i780, Samsung sph-i300, Samsung sph-i330, Samsung Ultra i600, Sony CLIE N760C, Sony CLIE NR Series, Sony CLIE N Series, Sony CLIE NZ Series, Sony CLIE S320, Sony CLIE SJ Series, Sony CLIE SL Series, Sony CLIE S Series, Sony CLIE T415, Sony CLIE TG Series, Sony CLIE TH55, Sony CLIE TJ25, Sony CLIE TJ27, Sony CLIE TJ35, Sony CLIE TJ37, Sony CLIE T Series, Sony CLIE UX40, Sony CLIE UX50 Series, Sony CLIE VZ90, Symbol SPT 1500, Symbol SPT 1550, Symbol SPT 1700, Symbol SPT 1740, Symbol SPT 1800, Tapwave Zodiac, Tapwave Zodiac 2, Samsung sph-i500

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