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Summer Discoveries with Ectaco and iTRAVL

Summer Discoveries with Ectaco and iTRAVL


Summers were made for discoveries. And what better discovery is there than realizing that you can speak another language as easily as your own? Built to make every trip you take a completely new adventure, Ectaco iTRAVL is not only the perfect way to begin communicating in another language but is also unbeatable at letting you immerse yourself in another culture.

Featuring the absolutely unbeatable combination of the world's most advanced voice output and speech recognition functionality, iTRAVL helps you do everything from order in a restaurant to learn to speak a new language like a native. The unbeatable combination of a built-in talking translating Dictionary, an astonishing talking audio PhraseBook, and a unique Language Teacher system take you quickly and easily from beginner to advanced speaker in no time at all and will have you speaking a new language from the moment you switch it on.

Indulge yourself with the iTRAVL Deluxe and you will get a handheld scanner that lets you scan and translate text anywhere you find it! Remarkably sophisticated, stunningly elegant and astonishingly functional, all, iTRAVL devices contain the tools you need to succeed while the travel resources it offers provide the reliability you demand to make every trip more enjoyable. But that's not the half of it. iTRAVL includes enjoyable learning games, pre-loaded Travel Audio Books, a daily Calendar, a robust Video Player and so much more. To find out more about the discoveries that are waiting for you when you switch on your iTRAVL and the latest discount offers, click here.

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